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I often use them (as you are aware ;)) and have only positive feedback on the service they provide. An outstanding example is the speedo cable for the vehicle that was ordered on a Sunday and arrived on the following Wednesday. Noteworthy on its own, but even more remarkable when considering that I placed the order on Boxing Day last year, which happened to fall on a Sunday.

In addition, I own several refrigerator magnets acquired from the same source. 😄

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I was really fortunate to come across them and get a brand new, fully functional fuel metering head specifically designed for an M104 300-24 engine. The amount is around $200.

Just last week, I received a gasoline hose from Pelican Parts at my doorstep in just 4 days, and it cost me just half the price compared to other suppliers in Europe. Exceptional.

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In the past, I often used their services, as well as those of Summit. However, I have not availed myself of their services lately. Nonetheless, I feel compelled to commend them here for anybody contemplating their utilisation. I believe that fridge magnets were not often produced about 15 years ago, making this my first one.

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Did you also purchase anything from Summit a long time ago, maybe about 15 years ago? Whenever I search on Summit, I am unable to see a shipping option to the United Kingdom.

Returning to RA. When I read about the challenges people have in getting components from Europe, I frequently question why people don't use or at least contemplate using RA.

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I purchased a set of headers and a floorpan section from Summit. The shipping process to the UK went well, with the exception of the high cost. I found them to be far more manageable than JEGS, who consistently added an additional expense, often payed to the goods firm.

Summit does not provide magnets, but they do provide an abundance of Summit Racing Equipment stickers. 🙂

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