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Washing - soap leaking into engine compartment


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I do not utilise a pressure washer for my R8. I use a standard hose with deionized water. Water sometimes enters the engine compartment, but not in excessive amounts. I use a vehicle blow dryer to efficiently dry my automobile, particularly the engine bay. I am just removing moisture from the carbon fibre panels. Water is not often present on the engine, save for a little amount near the rear. The V10 FSI insignia is situated where water may enter from the plastic mesh grills below the spoiler. Fast blow-dry and it disappears.

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I just use a swirlomatic automated vehicle wash and do not concern myself with it. I used to strongly believe in their effectiveness and considered persons who did not use them to be too cautious. However, I had a negative encounter with one last week. My usual automated vehicle wash was out of order, so I went to the petrol station across the street that has an automatic car wash. The experience was unpleasant due to excessive strength and speed, resulting in several swirl marks on my just paint-corrected automobile. I really regret visiting the car wash.

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