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Battery depletion in TF Magna


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My TF Magna consistently has battery depletion after three days, even with a newly installed battery. Auto Electech was unable to identify the malfunction. I see that the fuel gauge remains illuminated; is it intended to stay active even after the ignition is turned off? Certainly, that need electric current.

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Your issue may be attributed to "parasitic draw" or "parasitic power loss".

If you want to do your own research:

Advance Auto Parts - Undergoing Maintenance

The Magna is not often associated with this issue, but I cannot conceive of any alternative.

The electrical system of my vehicle is entirely unaltered, intentionally.

Do you own any aftermarket stereos, towbars, etc.?

They would serve as an excellent first point for investigation.

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I lack a picture of a regular car/TF fuel tank.
I own just one for my all-wheel-drive kind.
The back seat must be removed.
That is simple to do.
Two pull tabs are located at the front of the seat cushion.
They are perceptible, despite their lack of visibility.
The electrical connections for the fuel pump are entirely distinct from those of the gauge sender.
EDIT - the tank for FWD/TF integrates the sender and fuel pump, in contrast to the AWD type with which I am acquainted.

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I am unable to discern the identity of each connection from the diagram.
You must determine the function of each connection.
Sever the sender connection and operate it for many days.
Ensure that you possess a enough amount of gasoline remaining.
I cannot confirm the presence of a short circuit.
You must ascertain that independently.

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Thank you for the information; my Magna is a 1998 model, but it is likely identical to the 1999 version. I will examine the tank connection to see whether there is a short circuit; however, I suspect the issue may reside inside the fuel gauge itself, since it consistently displays a reading, which might indicate a problem behind the instrument panel. It is difficult to believe that a little distortion of the gasoline gauge might result in battery depletion; yet, I can manage by recharging it every third or fourth day. Thank you once more; I will assess the outcome.

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Shortly after acquiring my Magna, the digital clock on the centre console ceased functioning.
Approximately six months later, I engaged in a heated dispute with a family member and, in a fit of anger, forcefully slammed the driver's door.

That occurred around nine years ago.
Both the clock and the family member remain operational.
It was gratifying to reclaim my position with a piece of digital technology, rather than the typical outcome.

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