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The Mazda CX-7 is experiencing intermittent engine shutdown during operation.


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I am experiencing a recurring issue with my Mazda CX-7 when the vehicle abruptly shuts off during operation. There are no warning indicators, such as the check engine or battery lights, illuminating. Additionally, the vehicle is not emitting any unusual sounds, odours, or smoke. The vehicle was experiencing intermittent engine shutdowns, which have lately become more regular. The mechanic is unable to connect the vehicle to the diagnostic equipment due to the absence of service lights, which prevents the generation of any error codes. This situation evokes a sense of fear and apprehension. Could somebody kindly provide assistance, guidance, or recommendations?

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It is quite probable that the presence of water in the gasoline is the cause. Each instance in which the water comes into contact with the fuel injector results in the engine shutting down due to the non-combustible nature of water, which does not generate any error codes. Visit your nearby automotive parts shop and inquire about a product designed to eliminate water from a fuel tank. The addition of the substance is expected to effectively resolve the issue at hand.

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The issue was resolved by replacing the crankshaft position sensor. I have had the same issue since the purchase of my device in October of 2017. On the subsequent day after the acquisition of the vehicle, it experienced an unexpected cessation of operation during the commute to the workplace. The vehicle promptly resumed operation and the indicator light for engine diagnostics did not remain on. The dealer has consented to inspect it. The vehicle was in their possession for a duration of one week, during which the service manager would drive it home every night. However, no instances of stalling or error codes were seen. I continued using the vehicle for an additional week until the same occurrence happened once again. This event was characterised by an unexpected engine stall, devoid of any illuminated check-engine lights or diagnostic trouble codes. It is worth noting that I own a code reader, which allows me the ability to retrieve such data. Furthermore, the vehicle promptly restarted after the stall and exhibited its usual seamless performance thereafter.

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I had a same issue with my 2008 CX-7 model. I had a same issue with the vehicle, which manifested itself the day subsequent to my acquisition of such vehicle from the dealership. Subsequently, a period of six months transpired, spanning from November of 2017 to April of the current year, during which no untoward events occurred. Subsequently, the issue resurfaced, manifesting with increased frequency. The illumination of the check engine light occurred after about three consecutive start cycles, followed by its subsequent deactivation. Eventually, I received a diagnostic trouble code of P0335, indicating a malfunction in the crankshaft position sensor. At that juncture, the vehicle exhibited a tendency to have frequent instances of engine stalling during operation.
On the occasion that I installed the sensor, I anticipated the need to manually propel the vehicle into the garage due to the need of engaging the ignition mechanism via a series of 8 to 10 rotations. Subsequently, the vehicle started without any complications and operated impeccably for a duration of four consecutive days. However, on a subsequent occasion, when I attempted to go from my workplace, it required three successive attempts to successfully initiate the vehicle's engine. However, it has already been more than two weeks since that incident and the system has been functioning well. The engine did not start immediately on one occasion, however it did not completely fail to start.
Replacing the sensor proved to be a rather straightforward task, thereby potentially resolving the issue at hand.
The mounting holes exhibit a slotted design, necessitating precise alignment of the new sensor to ensure an exact positioning.

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An same occurrence of sporadic stalling has resurfaced about one month subsequent to the replacement of the crank sensor. Based on the findings of the reading and study conducted, it is proposed that the ECM (Engine Control Module) may be the underlying factor. In lieu of making a new purchase, I aimed to experiment with re-seating the connections of the ECM. Upon inspection, I saw that the objects in question seemed to be in satisfactory condition, exhibiting no signs of corrosion or any other visible defects. This assessment was made after examining both connections thoroughly. In order to access it, however, I had to detach the battery. Upon examination, it was seen that the negative terminal had extensive corrosion throughout its inside. The external appearance of the object seemed to be immaculate, but, upon closer examination, it was seen that the internal components were only establishing contact in a narrow strip of about one millimetre in width at the upper and lower sections of the terminal. I thoroughly cleaned it with a Dremel tool and have not had any issues thereafter. Over the course of almost two months, the engine has consistently initiated combustion without any instances of stalling.
I am maintaining a hopeful outlook.

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I have had a same problem recently, shortly after completing a repair, which also included addressing a recall issue on my 2020 Mazda3. While driving, my vehicle unexpectedly stopped functioning, prompting me to return it to the service centre. However, the technicians were unable to identify any faults, leaving me feeling apprehensive about the situation. Due to my regular commuting habits, I often traverse the highway, where I frequently see a substantial number of trucks trailing after me. I am now awaiting their response.

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It is important to ensure that the battery ground connection is both clean and securely fastened. Detach the connection and proceed to cleanse the inside of the terminal.
I have been driving without any issues for over three years after experiencing identical symptoms and taking the same course of action. Additionally, I performed a disconnection and reconnection of the ECM connections in order to confirm their cleanliness and secureness.
Wishing you the best of luck.

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