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TPMS after tire replacement


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I have replaced my tires. The dashboard indicated no faults upon departure; but, after five miles, the amber light began to strobe and is now continuously on.

Inspected the tires and restored them to standard pressure of 35 psi, then activated the set button located in the glove compartment.

The light remains illuminated; do you have any recommendations?

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Perhaps grasping at straws, but did you let it to remain for an hour before adjusting your pressures? It is advisable to establish them in a chilly state. Continuously monitor for any authentic air loss, since it may occur during a tire replacement if there is rust on the rear of the rim obstructing a proper seal.

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I appreciate your recommendations.

In summary

I have waited for three hours after my return, verified the tire pressures and confirmed they are accurate at 35 psi with no air loss.

I am uncertain if the tire facility caused any damage to the TPMS sensors, which I presume are located inside the tire valves. Could someone verify the location of the TPMS sensors?

Upon starting the vehicle, the yellow light blinks many times before becoming on.  I restarted the vehicle and pressed the reset button centrally for many seconds, nevertheless the light continues to flash.

I intend to return it to the tire shop tomorrow unless there are superior recommendations.

Thank you. 

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TPMS sensors are located inside the rim. Utilising an Autel or Toyota Techstream, they should be capable of diagnosing a defective TPMS sensor.

However, they may need to experiment with the wheels and the distance from the automobile to ascertain whether component is really defective.

If replacement of a sensor is necessary, get an original component rather than an aftermarket part. Pattern components are often unreliable, resulting in superfluous warnings every several months.


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If all sensors are discovered, you should be able to identify their serial numbers. If you possess the numerical data, you may also program it using Carista. The Carista app offers a 15-day trial period.

However, at this moment, you ought to return to the tyre stores. Reprogramming is unnecessary if just the tires are changed.

It is quite probable that they disable the sensors, rendering them inoperative. I replaced the tires twice and did not need reprogramming. Resetting is necessary only if you own entirely distinct setups for winter and summer. Auris models from 2015 or after can accommodate two sets, however earlier models need reprogramming each time the sets are changed.

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