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Stolen boot lid badge from X2 Xdrive 2.0D M Sport X


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A little individual has purloined the "X" from the conclusion of M Sport, and I am unable to get a replacement. BMW dealers enumerate all items save for the solitary "X." 😞
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Thank you in advance.B
P.S. I attempted to use "realoem.com," but it is not shown.

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Indeed, I have contemplated that; yet, it may seem as if I am attempting to conceal its true nature and exaggerate its merits. I get what I mean; it resembles a Ford Escort 1000cc owner affixing a Turbo GTI badge to the boot lid, although in reverse. [This reflects my age, but it was a common occurrence: LOL.]
Somewhat obsessive-compulsive, although I like order and propriety.

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Thank you for your work, but unfortunately, these are the larger sizes. The one I want is around 30mm by 15mm. I assume that few purchased the X trim and that other models did not provide an X trim option? My wife states, "It's fine; it still drives, doesn't it?" She has never comprehended my perspective.

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